NA-05 - Cleaning: Cleaning Nozzles

An essential part of high-pressure cleaning are the cleaning nozzles.

This module covers the complex task of choosing the optimal cleaning nozzle for the respective application, as there are a multitude of nozzle types with different features available.

After completing this module, you will have a sound knowledge of:

  • the physical mode of action of pressurized water jets;
  • selection of cleaning nozzles depending on the cleaning task and
  • assessment and recognition of application risks.

Slides in this presentation

1. Definition and range of application
2. Definition
3. Range of application
4. Fundamentals
5. Effects of the pressurized water jet
6. Effects of the pressurized water jet (2)
7. Effects of the pressurized water jet (3)
8. Effects of the pressurized water jet (4)
9. Effects of the pressurized water jet (5)
10. Characteristics
11. Nozzle types
12. Nozzle types
13. Nozzle types (2)
14. Radial nozzle
15. Videos - Nozzles in operation
16. Rotating nozzle
17. Rotating nozzle
18. Rotating nozzle - with 90° radial jets
19. Rotating nozzle - Half radial rear-facing jets
20. Rotating nozzle - Half radial forward-facing jets
21. Chisel Point Nozzles
22. Chisel Point Nozzles
23. Invert nozzles - Flat nozzles
24. Invert nozzles - Flat nozzles
25. Invert nozzles - Flat nozzles (2)
26. Invert nozzles – Flat wedge nozzle
27. Special forms
28. Special forms
29. Pendulum nozzle
30. Camera Nozzle
31. Camera nozzle
32. Camera nozzle (2)
33. Camera nozzle (3)
34. Camera nozzle (4)
35. Camera nozzle (5)
36. Camera nozzle (6)
37. Vibrating nozzle
38. Ejector nozzle
39. Ejector nozzle
40. Ejector nozzle (2)
41. Ejector nozzle (3)
42. Ejector nozzle (4)
43. Ejector nozzle (5)
44. Nozzle inserts
45. Characteristics
46. Materials
47. Materials
48. Ceramic
49. Number of nozzle inserts
50. Number of nozzle inserts
51. Number of nozzle inserts (2)
52. Nozzle inserts – Shape
53. Nozzle inserts – Shape
54. Jet angle
55. Jet angle
56. Jet angle (2)
57. Jet angle (3)
58. Effect on driving force and cleaning performance
59. Jet angle selection
60. Beam angle - Influence of the pipe diameter (compact beam area)
61. Pulling force – Water jet force, Number of nozzle inserts, Jet angle
62. Pulling force
63. Number of nozzle inserts, jet angle
64. Jet force
65. Centric positioning of the nozzle
66. Pressure losses
67. Pressure losses
68. Pressure losses at the vehicle
69. Pressure loss in the high-pressure flushing hose
70. Pressure loss in the high-pressure flushing hose (2)
71. Pressure loss in the high-pressure flushing hose (3)
72. Pressure loss in the high-pressure hose (4)
73. Pressure loss in the high-pressure hose (5)
74. Pressure loss in the cleaning nozzle
75. Pressure loss in the cleaning nozzle (2)
76. Pressure loss in the cleaning nozzle (3)
77. Pressure loss in the cleaning nozzle (4)
78. Pressure loss in the cleaning nozzle (5)
79. Number of cleaning cycles
80. Number of cleaning cycles
81. Number of cleaning cycles (2)
82. Damage due to high pressure cleaning
83. Damage due to high-pressure cleaning
84. Risk factors
85. Risk factors (2)
86. Damage due to high-pressure cleaning – Risk factors
87. Resistance to the stresses of high pressure cleaning
88. Resistance to the stresses of high-pressure cleaning
89. Resistance to the stresses of high-pressure cleaning (2)
90. Materials testing
91. Practical test
92. Use of cleaning nozzles
93. Use of cleaning nozzles
94. Aerosol
95. Aerosol (2)
96. Aerosol (3)
97. Practical recommendations
98. Practical recommendations
99. Practical recommendations (2)
100. Practical recommendations (3)
101. Practical recommendations (4)
102. Odour problems
103. Odour problems (2)
104. Quality control
105. Quality control (2)
106. Summary
107. Factors influencing the cleaning performance
108. End of lesson

Publisher: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH, Editorial: STEIN Ingenieure GmbH (2012)


Cleaning » High pressure cleaning and nozzles

