Trenchless Technology for Installation of Cables and Pipelines

With trenchless pipeline construction methods, it is now possible to install cables and pipelines underground, irrespective of the outer diameter or nominal size and the geological and hydrogeological boundary conditions. The wide-ranging technical information in this standard reference book not only helps the user in the planning and execution of pipeline construction measures, but also provides a basis for an economically and technically optimal selection of the process technology. In detail, the technical book deals with the following topics: geotechnical fundamentals and investigations, unmanned, steerable and non-steerable methods (soil displacement methods, pilot pipe jacking, microtunneling, manned methods (pipe jacking), drilling fluids and drilling fluid technology, jacking control, surveying and monitoring, start and target shafts, calculation of jacking pipes, tendering and contract award information, and economic feasibility considerations.

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Publisher: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH, Editorial: D. Stein (2005)


Trenchless installation of pipelines


Pipe jacking, Trenchless construction, Utility tunnelling