NA-05 - Cleaning: Solids in Drain and Sewer Systems (Demo)

Origin of solids

Solids entry through extraneous water (2)

Extraneous water consists of groundwater infiltration along with unauthorized sources such as falsely connected utilities, e.g. wastewater connection in the storm sewer, seepage from households and construction sites. The amount of extraneous water fluctuates based on the day and season; generally, higher extraneous water flows are experienced in the winter months.


Infiltration [Source: visaplan GmbH]


Soil infiltration and cave-in resulting from a leak in the pipe [Source: STEIN Ingenieure GmbH]


Soil infiltration and cave-in [Source: STEIN Ingenieure GmbH]


Infiltration [Source: STEIN Ingenieure GmbH]


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