The high-pressure pump is used to generate the flow rate and pressure for the flushing water. The design of the key performance indicators of the pump is subject to the nominal size of the sewer and level of filling, type and quantity of the deposits, pressure loss, as well as the required pulling force and desired cleaning performance. Sewer cleaning pumps are available with a performance of up to 660 l/min and a maximum operating pressure between 90 and 250 bar. Flushing vehicles that are equipped with two pumps and can achieve a performance capacity of 800 l/min are also available.
This high output is particularly required when cleaning large sewer profiles with a high partial flow level, in order to speed up the sewage and transport the removed deposits. A further increase in efficiency can be achieved by using additional pumps in the sewer to reduce friction losses in the hose [Geib2002].
The pumps installed in the vehicles have to meet the following performance requirements listed in table "Performance parameters and standard values for high-pressure pumps subject to the nominal size of the sewer" [ATV/VKS] [Gütes03] [FI-Müller].
Geib, M.; Wielenberg, W.: Reinigung von Abwasserkanälen durch Hochdruckreinigung. Schriftenreihe aus dem Institut für Rohrleitungsbau an der Fachhochschule Oldenburg (iro), Band 11, 2. Auflage, Hrsg.: Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Joachim Lenz, Vulkan-Verlag, Essen (2002).
Arbeitsbericht der ATV/VKS-Arbeitsgruppe 3.11.1 im ATV/VKS-Fachausschuss 3.11 „Infrastrukturabfälle aus Abwasseranlagen und Straßenunterhaltung“: Feste Stoffe aus dem Kanalnetz und Sinkkästen. KA Korrespondenz Abwasser (43), H. 11, S. 2003-2007 (1996).
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