NA-05 - Cleaning: Vehicles and Technology

Cleaning vehicles

Cleaning vehicles

The high-pressure cleaning process utilizes different types of vehicles depending on the limiting conditions and site location [SteinD00]

High-pressure flushing vehicles are used for a hydro-dynamic cleaning of drains and sewers. They are equipped with two-axle, three-axle or four-axle chassis and have no suction capabilities.
Suction vehicles serve to extract and transport solids from sewers, manholes, road gullies and grease traps. They are generally used in combination with a high-pressure flushing vehicle.
Combined high-pressure flushing and suction vehicles utilize the unique functions of both vehicles types mentioned above in one package, i.e. flushing and extracting processes can be carried out in parallel.
Combined high-pressure flushing and suction vehicles with water treatment technology have the capability of purifying the collected water (flushing water, sewage and solids) to the extent that it can be re-introduced into the flushing water cycle.


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