Investigation: Geophysical Site Investigation

This module teaches the basics of geophysical soil investigation and is to be understood as a supplement to the module "Geotechnical Investigation". Geophysical measurement methods belong to the indirect exploration methods and allow statements regarding local inhomogeneities in the pipeline zone (e.g. bedding defects, cavities, disruptions, concrete encasements) or, in the case of investigations of existing sewers and pipelines, statements regarding the condition and load-bearing capacity of the embedment. In addition to ground or georadar (EMR - electromagnetic reflection), which is well-known in pipeline construction and rehabilitation, the measurement methods seismic, seismic tomography, air gun seismic, magnetics, electromagnetics and geoelectrics are also introduced.

After completing this module, you will have knowledge regarding:

  • Procedural principles and
  • Assignment of application areas to procedures of geophysical ground investigation.

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Publisher: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stein & Partner GmbH, Editorial: STEIN Ingenieure GmbH (2023)


Inspection » Subsoil investigations


Inspection, Investigation