NA-06 - Cleaning: Cleaning Pressure Pipes

NA-06 - Cleaning: Cleaning Pressure Pipes

Mechanical method

The pipe pig closes the cross section of the line and is either forced through the line to be cleaned by the sewer flow, or through the addition of pressure (water or pressurised air).

Inserting and removing the pipe pig is performed using locks (pig traps). This procedure requires fittings, such as ball valves and isolating valves that can entirely open and close the cross section of the pipe.


Operational principle of a pipe pig [Source: visaplan GmbH]


Operational principle of a pipe pig - Detail [Source: visaplan GmbH]


Sketch of the principle of mechanical cleaning of a pressurised pipe using a pipe pig system with reference to [[WRC84b]] [Source: STEIN Ingenieure GmbH]

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