Video on IDB projects in Haiti wins award

Nov 17, 2011

Unleashing the Power of Partnerships recognized by The Accolade.

A short video on the Inter-American Development Bank’s work in Haiti since last year’s earthquake won a merit award from The Accolade, an independent competition for film, television, video and new media creators.
The video, "Unleashing the Power of Partnerships", was produced earlier this year by the Washington, DC-based Spark Media Inc. production company. The 11-minute piece, first aired at a meeting of international donor agencies held in June in Vienna, highlights the IDB’s collaboration with private and public sector partners to promote job creation and improve education in Haiti.
Commissioned by the IDB’s Office of Outreach and Partnerships, the video examines the challenges Haiti faces in building a school system to serve all of its children and in generating more employment and income opportunities in for its urban and rural population. The IDB is working with the Haitian government and a range of partners in pursuit of those shared goals.
The Accolade, which receives submissions from all around the world, recognizes video producers for outstanding creative and technical work, serving as a “showcase for cinematic gems and unique voices.” Spark Media has garnered more than 60 prizes for its documentaries over the past two decades.
Since Haiti was struck by an earthquake on January 12, 2010, the IDB has pardoned $484 million in debt and has approved more than $365 million in non-repayable grants to assist in reconstruction of the country’s infrastructure.


Inter-American Development Bank

Peter Bate

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