Northwest Chapter to host Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Good Practices Guidelines Training

Dec 11, 2006

The Northwest Chapter of the North American Society for Trenchless Technology is pleased to offer a two-day Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Good Practices Guidelines Course, Jan. 25-26 at the Sheraton Bellevue Hotel near Seattle.

The HDD Good Practices Guidelines course is geared to provide an in-depth overview of HDD from planning to demobilization and covers these five topics:
  1. HDD operation and application;
  2. HDD equipment and materials including rigs, drill pipe, bits, reamers, and down hole tools; drilling fluid recycling and recovery systems, drilling fluids and additives, and tracking equipment;
  3. planning including surface and geological investigations, utility surveys, bore planning, and regulations and permitting;
  4. jobsite safety including planning and preparation, traffic control, and safety equipment, practices, and response; and
  5. risk reduction, trouble shooting and mitigation.

The target audience is contractors, public works and municipal personnel, consulting engineers and inspectors.

The HDD course instructors are recognized leaders in their respective fields, including Dr. Samuel T. Ariaratnam, associate professor, with Del E. Webb School of Construction at Arizona State University, and Dr. David Bennett, principal engineer, with Bennett/Staheli Engineers. Ariaratnam and Bennett are co-authors of the HDD Good Practices Guidelines manual.

NASTT members save $150 on their registration fee, which includes: attendance to the seminar, classroom materials, continental breakfast, lunch and afternoon break, Continuing Education Units (CEUs) issued by a participating university and a complimentary copy of the HDD Good Practices Guidelines manual. The non-member rate includes a one-year membership to NASTT (a $200 value).

The HDD course is scheduled for Thursday, Jan. 25, 2007, 8:00 am – 5:30 pm, and Friday, Jan. 26, 8:00 am - 2:30 pm at the Sheraton Bellevue Hotel located at 100-112th Ave. NE in Bellevue, Washington.

For further information, contact Tina Davenport at 206-633-0213 or e-mail: tina.davenport@bennett-


North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT)



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