Ensure Success During Trenchless Rehab

Jan 27, 2020

Cured-in-place pipe as a method for trenchless rehabilitation minimizes costs and limits system disruption. But meeting industry standards for CIPP is essential to keeping the surrounding community and your crew safe and ensuring a successful cure.

PRT’s new FREE poster highlights the key components of ASTM Standards for CIPP, including materials used, installation steps and inspection practices.

The ASTM Standards for cured-in-place pipe help designers, inspection contractors, and other professionals securely and successfully rehabilitate existing pipes and conduits.

Request your copy  of Key Components of ASTM Standards for CIPP today to keep in the office or take with you on the road to ensure proper protocol is followed.



Pipeline Renewal Technologies

111 Canfield Ave.

NJ 07869 Randolph

United States


+1 866 838-3763




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