Watertec Africa 2011 (Johannesburg, South Africa)

The International Water Technology Exhibition and Conference takes place from 7 to 9 June 2011 at the Gallagher Convention Centre, Midrand, Johannesburg, South Africa.

Jun 07, 2011 - Jun 09, 2011
Target groups: engineers, decision makers, professionals
Category: Congress
This venue will offer both the exhibitor and delegate an excellent convention experience and enhance our efforts to look, hear, speak and think about not only the challenges of water provision, but the other concerns we are facing regarding water in general. The South Africa Association of Water Utilities will use this opportunity to bring together professionals from the Department of Water Affairs, water utilities and other water associations, to create a strong network, for the sharing ofadvice, ideas and best-practice, and we are delighted to be a part of this very important event on the water calendar.
Water knows no boundaries, so this conference bringing people together from the water sector all over the world can only enhance our understanding and assist with our planning to meet the requirements of water service delivery and water management. N. Thombeni (Chief Executive, SAAWU) urges you to participate fully in the discussions and events and to take away with you the benefits of having attended this experience, and to put the collective wisdom to good use in what ever part of the water business you are in.
For detailed informations about the Watertec Africa 2011, please click here.

Sewage treatment
Gallagher Convention Centre
19 Richards Drive Midrand
Johannesburg, South Africa
South Africa
Target language English


Exhibition Mamagement Services S.A.


+27 (0)11 783 7250


+27 (0)11 783 7269




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