Surface Water Management: Recent thinking & The Flood & Water Management Bill Proposals

The aim of this conference is to understand the implications of recent studies for surface water management and test the proposals set out in the Floods and Water Bill so that delegates can play an active part in the Bill consultation process.

Jun 17, 2009
Target groups: technicians, students, engineers
Category: Conference
Surface water management has been one of the major agenda areas since the floods of 2007 and the draft Flood and Water Management Bill that has been published for consultation. It contains clear proposals on this topic to implement lessons learnt from recent reviews and research.

The thinking behind integrated urban drainage, surface water management and sustainable urban drainage (SUDs) has been developing for many years. Progress has been made with this thinking despite the inadequacy existing systems. For years Government has resisted legislative solutions, but the summer floods of 2007, Pitt Review and other pressures have now lead to the proposals in the Bill. These proposals are the major - once in a decade opportunity - to get the right systems in place to deliver what professionals working in this field regard as long overdue reform.
SOAS, University of London, Russell Square
WC1H 0XG London


Bob Earll


0044 (0)1531 890415


0044 (0)1531 890415



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