National Clean Water Policy Forum

The National Clean Water Policy Forum, hosted by NACWA, will be held at the Renaissance Mayflower Hotel.

May 04, 2008 - May 07, 2008
Target groups: technicians, engineers, skilled tradesmen
Category: Conference
The Forum will provide an opportunity for members of the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) and the Water Environment Federation (WEF) to hear the latest federal legislative, regulatory and legal developments.

The Policy Forum provides a unique opportunity to hear from policymakers who shape priority clean water issues. With the 2008 campaign season in full swing, and the shift to a Democratic-led House and Senate in 2006, the landscape has changed dramatically, and clean water issues have become a focus in Congress.

As you can see from the preliminary program which follows, we have an exciting agenda including perspectives on legislative, regulatory, and policy priorities from members of Congress, House and Senate professional staff, and leaders in the Executive Branch who will be providing insight into the direction of the remainder of the 110th Congress, the 111th Congress, as well as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) agenda before a new administration takes the reins in 2009.

For further information about the event, download the program (pdf) or visit the NACWA website at
Renaissance Mayflower Hotel
Washington, D.C.



+1 202-833-2672


+1 202.833.4657



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