International Pipeline Conference (IPC) 2006 Calgary

In September 2006, members of the pipeline industry from around the world will gather in Calgary for the 6th International Pipeline Conference (IPC 2006).

Sep 25, 2006 - Sep 29, 2006
Target groups: students, technicians, engineers
Category: Conference
Organized by volunteers representing international energy corporations, energy and pipeline associations and governments, the IPC has become internationally renowned as the world’s premier pipeline conference. This is a not for profit conference and proceeds continue to support educational initiatives in the pipeline industry.

The conference will begin on Monday, September 25, with tutorial offerings in key areas of interest. Track sessions will begin the morning of Tuesday, September 26, and run through to Friday, September 29. Conference organizers are developing 12 technical tracks to enhance the opportunities for attendees to hear and participate in discussion with industry leaders in the topic areas of their choice.

The International Pipeline Conference is designed to inform, enlighten and motivate, therefore we encourage you to actively participate in IPC 2006–five days of exceptional value which you won’t want to miss!

further information:
The Hyatt Regency Hotel & The TELUS Convention Centre
Calgary, Alberta, Canada