Global Pure Water Expo (Las Vegas)

Sep 21, 2011 - Sep 24, 2011
Target groups: Engineers, decision makers, professionals
The mission of the Global PURE Water Expo is to create a productive, affordable venue where potable water development innovators, foundations, charities, NGO's, representatives of various governments and communities, philanthropists, venture capitalists and the public at large may meet and witness first-hand demonstrations of the latest in potable water development technology, funding and deployment.
Nearly one fifth of the population of the world is without potable water. Water is often sustainably developed with relative little cost in most areas without. Our goal is to get those with the technology and expertise to meet those in need, with those with funding.
For detailed informations, please visit the event website.
Sewage treatment
Cashman Center
850 N Las Vegas Blvd
NV 89101 Las Vegas
United States
Target language English


Consular Chamber of Commerce

Joe Starr




To website