Global Smart Water Metering & Intelligent Data Utilisation Congress 2024

Mar 06, 2024 - Mar 07, 2024
Target groups: skilled tradesmen, engineers, labourers
Category: Symposium


Given the pressing impacts of climate change on global water supplies and the emergent need to optimise consumption and address leakage, the industry is steering towards innovative solutions. The imperative is unambiguous: utilise more granular data to induce behavioural changes and address the challenges posed by leakage and severe climate phenomena.

In essence, the emphasis at the Global Smart Water Metering & Intelligent Data Utilisation Congress is squarely on the intelligent exploitation of data, considering the comprehensive cost of acquiring such data and delving deeply into strategies for practical implementation. Numerous water utilities worldwide are evaluating AMI trials and commencing smaller-scale rollouts, leading to a unified, pivotal question: How can the industry quantify the tangible value and benefits of using more granular data? In a world bound by financial constraints, those deciding to choose AMI over AMR are confronted with another pressing question: Is the ROI worthwhile?

Making Better Use Of Data And Addressing Implementation Challenges

Indeed, smart metering acts merely as an enabler; it identifies, quantifies, and directs actions aimed at reducing water usage and addressing customer leakage. Consequently, the actual utilisation of this data is crucial and is the focal point for most of the presentations on day one. "Honestly, the data is there, but making it talk, making it reveal the secrets of customer behaviour, now that’s an art!"

Head Of Metering Projects, French Water Utility You told us that understanding and streamlining data is like refining gold; it’s about meticulously processing the raw, extracting the valuable, and moulding it into insightful shapes that can adorn strategies and decision-making processes for reducing consumption, leakage and more.

"The challenge is not just in acquiring data, but in optimising its utilisation and calculating the return on investments. It’s a delicate balancing act!"



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Target language English


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