NA-05 - Cleaning: Solids in Drain and Sewer Systems (Demo)

Transport behaviour of solids

Transport behaviour of solids

The current approach to the hydraulic dimensioning of partially filled sewers uses a differentiated sediment transport equation:

Equation 3:

Q = Flow, discharge, inflow, flow rate [m3/s]
cT = Solids concentration in the wastewater
ρF = Solid density [kg/m3]
ρW = Density of the wastewater [kg/m3]
vS = Settling velocity of solids [m/s]
τ0 = Wall shear stress [N/m2]

Sediment transport capacity (Q • cT)
Solid properties (cT and τ0)
Experimental values (1,64 • 10-4 and 2,96)


[Macke82] [ATVDVWKA 110:2001]



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