The cleaning nozzle contains holes equipped with jet nozzle inserts which create the high-speed water jets and focus them onto the pipe wall. In the first phase, the process leads to a reaction force in the cleaning nozzle that propels both the nozzle and the hose through the sewer section against the sewer flow from the starting point to the target manhole. In the second phase, after the cleaning nozzle has arrived in the target manhole, it is slowly pulled back in flow direction along with the flushing hose. The high-pressure water jets leaving the cleaning nozzle increase the flow velocity of the sewage, this in turn removes any remaining deposits, stirs them up and transfers them as suspensions and debris back to the starting manhole [[DIN30702-5:1987]] [[DIN30705:1991]] [NASSCO1989] [SIA190] [Veltr83].
The above-described process is repeated until the desired cleaning objective or the required cleaning level is achieved. Depending on the section length and the degree of pollution, several sections can be cleaned at once without having to access intermediate manholes.
Inspector Handbook for Sewer Collection System Rehabilitation. The National Association of Sewer Services Companies (NASSCO). Fifth Edition. Altamonte, USA (1989).
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