NASTT to host Pipe Bursting and HDD Good Practices Courses at MASCON Underground February 28 - March 1, Boston

Feb 15, 2007

The North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT) will host two good practices courses for pipe bursting methods and Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) in conjunction with MASCON Underground, Feb. 28 and March 1 in Boston. Course instructors are Dr. Samuel T. Ariaratnam and Dr. David Bennett.

The first course, Horizontal Directional Drilling (HDD) Good Practices Guidelines, will be held Wed., Feb. 28, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm during MASCON Underground at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. The HDD course is based on the guidelines set forth in the HDD Good Practices Guidelines manual, an industry driven document developed by the HDD Consortium in 2001. The principal authors of the manual, Ariaratnam and Bennett, will be on-hand to teach the course.

The HDD course is geared to provide an in-depth overview of HDD from planning to demobilization and covers these five topics: 
  1. HDD operation and application;
  2. HDD equipment and materials including rigs, drill pipe, bits, reamers, and down hole tools; drilling fluid recycling and recovery systems, drilling fluids and additives, and tracking equipment;
  3. planning including surface and geological investigations, utility surveys, bore planning, and regulations and permitting;
  4. jobsite safety including planning and preparation, traffic control, and safety equipment, practices, and response;
  5. risk reduction, trouble shooting and mitigation. The target audience is contractors, public works personnel, consulting engineers and inspectors.

The NASTT Pipe Bursting Good Practices course is scheduled for Thurs., March 1, 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m., also held at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. The Pipe Bursting course is geared to provide an in- depth overview of pipe bursting and covers four topic areas:
  1. the types, methods and application of pipe bursting;
  2. planning and preliminary design of a pipe bursting job;
  3. design and construction considerations;
  4. trouble shooting and problem solving.
The target audience includes municipal engineers, utility personnel, designers, managers and contractors involved with construction, rehabilitating and managing underground utilities.

Registration is $400 per course. Register for both courses and pay only $700. Your registration fee includes: attendance to the training, continental breakfast, breaks and lunches, Continuing Education Units (CEUs) issued by a participating university and a course manual. Participants will have the opportunity to visit the exhibition hall during the scheduled lunch hour, 12:00 noon to 2:00 p.m. on both days. Complimentary admission to the exhibition is included in your course registration fee.

For More Information
For additional information, contact Angela Ghosh, NASTT Assistant Executive Director, at (703) 217-1382 or To register, visit the MASCON web site at

NASTT good practices courses provide top-notch, quality training to industry professionals. By attending, you are guaranteed: a comprehensive, consensus- based course outline, non-commercial presentations (vendor-neutral), expert instructors in their respective fields, CEUs/PDHs offered for your participation and a course manual, a handy resource for years to come.

North American Society for Trenchless Technology
Angela Ghosh
Assistant Executive Directory


North American Society for Trenchless Technology (NASTT)



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