Hydro offers sustainable stormwater treatment solutions at IFAT 2008 (Stand 103 Hall A1)

Apr 10, 2008

THE benefits of Hydro International’s unique advanced hydrodynamic vortex separation technology will be showcased through its portfolio of sustainable stormwater treatment and drainage solutions at IFAT 2008 (5-9 May).

Hydro will be unveiling its new Up-Flo™ Filter filtration technology which can be configured to remove a wide range of pollutants as well as Downstream Defender® a brand-leading separation system for removing silts and sediments at all flow speeds.  Hydro’s Storm King® Overflow with Swirl-Cleanse™ Screen for wastewater treatment plant protection will also be strongly featured.

Hydro’s design philosophy of sustainable treatment solutions has been built on vortex technology, with minimal maintenance or power requirements. Its systems have been widely used by water engineers in the UK and internationally to meet pollution and flow control consistent with Water Framework Directive requirements.

The revolutionary Up-Flo™ Filter system from Hydro International turns conventional stormwater technology on its head, using three stages of treatment - settling, screening and filtration to improve discharge quality in a small footprint, efficiently and cost-effectively.  The patented system ensures high flow rates with low head loss, easy filter media replacement and the opportunity to tailor the filter media type to meet specific pollutant profiles.

Downstream Defender® is an advanced hydrodynamic separator designed to remove sediment, floatables and associated pollutants from stormwater.   Downstream Defender® provides greater pollutant removal and retention in a smaller footprint compared to conventional gravity or simple swirl-type devices. Flow modifying components create a stable hydrodynamic flow regime that is ideal for solids / liquid separation and preventing washouts over a wide range of flow rates.

Hydro will also be exhibiting its stormwater control and storage solutions which include Hydro-Brake® Flow Control, Stormcell® storage and attenuation and other storage, infiltration and soakaway systems.

If you would like any further information on any of Hydro International’s stormwater, wastewater and sewage treatment systems, please call 0800 269371.






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