Pilot Tube Microtunneling Seminar

Morning class work will be followed by outdoor demonstrations on both days of the program.

Feb 19, 2007 - Feb 20, 2007
Target groups: engineers, designers, technicians, students, technology and service providers, equipment manufacturers business analysts, academics
Category: Seminar
Seminar topics include:
  • Introduction to Pilot Tube Microtunneling
  • Contractor Case Histories
  • Technical Papers

Industry manufacturers are expected to demonstrate equipment, particularly guidance systems. Akkerman, Inc. will present a live demonstration of its guided boring machine which installs small diameter pipe with grade and alignment precision.

For additional information on the course please visit: http://www.microtunneling.com/course_outline_07.htm and to register online go to:  http://www.mines.edu/outreach/cont_ed/microtun.htm.

Course instructors: Levent Ozdemir and Timothy CossPilot Tube Microtunneling attendance: $625
Single day: $425
Microtunneling Research Institute
Golden, Colorado, USA



+1 303-444-2650




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