ExpoAPA 2008

General theme: "Solution for water and sewerage services in small and medium communities"

Jun 18, 2008 - Jun 20, 2008
Target groups: water resources managers, operaters of the public water supply & sewerage systems and all people interested in increasing the technical and managerial performances of the sector
Category: Exhibition
The events will join a series of seminars, round tables and debates on challenges and opportunities of the E.U. in the water sector with the most important specialized exhibition in the water supply, sewerage and wastewater treatment.

Following the "best practices" from last editions of ExpoAPA events, the Scientific and Techinical Council of the Romanian Water Association (RWA) will organise an international conference during 18-20 June 2008 on "Water supply and sewerage soloutions for communities below 10000 inhabitants".

For further information about the event, visit the website at http://www.ara.ro/ExpoApa/2008/eng/Conference/Conference.html.
Palace of Parliament
Bucharest, Romania



004 021-316.27.87


004 021-316.27.88




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