Basrah International 4x1 Exhibitions (Iraq)

Dec 19, 2010 - Dec 22, 2010
Target groups: engineers, decision makers, prefessionals,...
Category: Exhibition
Basrah 4x1 Exhibitions will be organized in Iraq/Basrah on 19-22 December 2010 at Basrah International Fairground Exhibition Centre…Basrah is ready to host Energy and construction industries professionals in this essential event with its growing market.

Basrah 4x1 Exhibition is the greatest event of its own industries in whole region and it will be a meeting point for visitors, trade visitors and international industry members from all over the world. It is expecting more than 150 exhibitors and 10,000 visitors from variety countries. Iraq is in need of a full range of "Water and Wastewater", "Electricity", "Oil, Gas & Petrochemicals" and "Building and Road Construction" industries related products, services and systems, machinery, equipment and finance. The Exhibitions will highlight the vast scale of reconstruction needs in Iraq: power facilities and electrical grids have to be restored, oil and gas supplies nurtured, airports, roads and schools rebuilt. Be a Part of Iraq’s Economic Growth!

Iraq has the world’s second largest oil reserves after Saudi Arabia. Basrah’s strategic location gives any business the best exposure. It is gateway to Southern Iraq. The comparative security; it enjoys compared to other part of Iraq, making it attractive logistical hub for international companies. Basrah, the booming capital for south of Iraq, represents THE SAFEST PLACE!

For more informations about this event, please click here.
Basrah International Fairground
Basrah, Iraq




+964 771 2763382





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