AFTES International Congress

AFTES, the French Tunnelling and Underground Space Association, is organising its 15th International Congress, to be held from 13 to 16 November 2017.

Nov 13, 2017 - Nov 15, 2017
Target groups: skilled tradesmen, engineers, technicians, students
Category: Conference


The congress with the general theme of «The value is underground» (L’espace souterrain, notre richesse), will highlight the latent value of underground space as a means of developing our living spaces, especially if urban planning harnesses it to establish a symbiosis between ground-level and underground. It will also focus on the abundance of, and the necessity of interweaving know-how and disciplines that are crucial to providing those spaces with a sustainable life.

This topic will be explored over the first three days, in conferences focusing on the optimisation of projects and innovation as from their design phase and through to their construction and equipment with the aim of optimising the operation of actual underground structures and the services and companies they accommodate. Emphasis will also be placed on an exhibition reserved for professionals, bringing together all the players in the field, including project owners, developers, contractors, engineers, architects, urban planners, academics, builders, suppliers and operators. The topics of underground urban development and the architecture of subsurface structures will top the conference off.

November 15 will be dedicated to the presentation of the finalists projects, followed by a banquet and the ITA Tunnelling Awards ceremony.

Le Palais des Congrès de Paris - VIPARIS
2 place de la Porte Laillot
75017 Paris
Target language English



42 Rue Boissère

75116 Paris



+33 1 85 34 33 20


+33 6 61 89 94 46



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