BE-05 Questionnaire Solids

BE-05 Questionnaire Solids

BE-05 Module Solids in sewers - Question 9

Single-choice question

Deposits in drains and sewers are either organic or mineral in origin. A determination of the deposits composition is among the other crucial factors for the selection of a suitable cleaning process. Which method can be used to determine the organic and mineral composition of the deposits?

Your answer is correct. The amount of organic and mineral matter in sewer deposits is determined by the dry weight of the sample after an ignition process. The resulting loss on ignition revels the organic content, and the residue on ignition reveals the mineral content.

Unfortunately, your answer is not correct. The amount of organic and mineral matter in sewer deposits is determined by the dry weight of the sample after an ignition process. The resulting loss on ignition revels the organic content, and the residue on ignition reveals the mineral content.

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